Tag: Square Enix - Page 14

  • News Moon Diver Creator has a Much Better Idea for a 3DS Game

    Under wraps so far

    PlayStation Network and Xbox Live Arcade title Moon Diver marks the return of Strider creator Kouichi Yotsui, but it won't be making the leap to Wii or 3DS any time soon, according to the creator. Why not? He has a much better idea up his sleeve. Cubed3 recently quizzed the creator on his non-Nintendo game, and asked about the...

  • News Blow Up the 3D Puzzle Bobble Universe from April 22nd

    Forever blowing up bubbles

    Soon you can stop having to imagine all the wonderful ways a third dimension would benefit the classic bubble-bursting gameplay of the Bust-a-Move/Puzzle Bobble series, as Square Enix announces Bust-a-Move Universe will head to 3DS in Europe on April 22nd. The game's feature list doesn't sound like there's a lot of...

  • News Celebrate Dragon Quest VI's North American Launch with a Video

    Meet the cast

    After a wait that threatened never to end, Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revelation reaches the Western world today on Nintendo's DS. Square Enix and Nintendo have put together a trailer to introduce you to some of the unfamiliar characters you'll meet on your journey through the latest epic RPG. The game was originally released on Super...

  • News Prepare for Dragon Quest VI with A New Trailer

    Six appeal

    It's just one week until gamers in North America can get their hands on another slice of Japanese RPG action, with the long-awaited release of Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revelation on Nintendo DS. Previously only available in Japan, the game is making its Western debut in North America on Monday February 14th, and Nintendo has released a...

  • News Burst Bubbles Like Never Before in Bust-a-Move Universe

    Or Puzzle Bobble, if you prefer

    3DS is receiving its fair share of massive-selling, action-packed franchises – we've already played Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition, Resident Evil: The Mercenaries and Pro Evolution Soccer – but what about something a little more sedate and thoughtful? Square Enix is lining up just the thi

  • News Grab Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded in New York this Sunday

    Can't wait? Get it early

    It's under a week until Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded reaches North America, but if you're absolutely desperate to get your hands on the latest Disney/Square-Enix crossover you can get it early at a special Nintendo World Store event this Sunday. Hosted at the Nintendo World Store in New York, the first 300 people to get in will...

  • News Dragon Quest VI is Nintendo's Valentine's Gift to You, North America

    Western debut for classic RPG

    Following on from the success of Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies, Nintendo has confirmed it'll bring predecessor Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revelation to North America on February 14th 2011. The game was originally released in Japan on the Super Famicom back in 1995 and never saw a release in the Western...

  • News Mario Sports Mix Gets a Little Square Enix Boost

    Famous faces face-off

    Square Enix's next Mario sports title, Mario Sports Mix, isn't just about characters from the Mushroom Kingdom: the company has just confirmed it'll be bringing some of its own most popular characters to the title as well. Joining Mario and chums will be characters from the Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest series, with a Moogle,...

  • News Kingdom Hearts Re:coded Hits North America in January Too

    Only a few days apart

    Yesterday we told you that Kingdom Hearts Re:coded will reach Europe on January 14th 2011, with a North American release date yet to be confirmed. Now we've had it confirmed – if only it were always that quick – as launching on January 11th, 2011. Here's the press release in all its Disney/Square Enix crossover glory. LOS...

  • News Kingdom Hearts Re:coded Reaches Europe in January

    Disney-tastic start to the New Year

    The latest collaboration between Square Enix and Disney, Kingdom Hearts Re:coded, has just been confirmed for a release across Europe on January 14th. A beefed-up port of a Japan-only mobile game, Re:coded features fan favourite characters from both companies, including Cloud Strife, Mickey Mouse and Hercules, as...

  • News Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light Crown Job System Trailer

    Unique character customisation system explained

    The folks at Square-Enix have just sent over the newest video for Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light which shows how to use the game's unique Crown Job System. As you can see in the video, there is a huge degree of customisation made available to the player by wearing and upgrading the various...

  • News Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light Action Battle Points Trailer

    Combat gets covered

    Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light is shaping up to be another quality entry in the famed RPG series, with its unique graphical style and developer heritage. Its battle system could take a bit of getting used to though, which is why publisher Square Enix has put together a brief video showing you how to get the most out of the...

  • News Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light Gets 3 Bonuses

    Posters and gift cards up for grabs

    Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light looks like being another strong addition to the DS's stable of RPGs, but Square Enix isn't taking any chances when it comes to getting fans to stick down their money in advance, with two separate pre-order incentives up for grabs, as well as a bonus poster available to all who...

  • News Tetsuya Nomura Wants to Make The World Ends With You 2

    Nothing to do with Bono

    Square Enix's The World Ends With You is, let's face it, pretty sensational: innovative, individual and impossibly stylish, it's received critical acclaim since launch. Like many great games, however, the question of a sequel looms over it like an irritating Noise: Tetsuya Nomura, the game's designer, wants to see a sequel,...

  • News Trademarks Suggest Dragon Quest VI is Europe-bound

    Though we doubt you're bored of DQIX yet

    In January this year, Japanese DS owners rejoiced at being able to buy yet another Dragon Quest game in the form of Dragon Quest VI, a conversion of the Super Famicom original that never saw release outside the Land of the Rising Sun. It seems the DS remake won't suffer the same fate though, if a...

  • News Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light Gets E3 Trailer

    Showing the user interface, game environments and enemies

    When Square Enix announced that Western gamers will be sampling the delights of the latest Final Fantasy game built for the DS, we could hear the dusting-off of robes and the clunking of armour from continent to continent. Now, we have a bit more to share with you as we take a look at the...

  • News Space Invaders: Infinity Gene is Going Multi-format

    The Office of Film and Literature Classification says so, but which ones?

    Those Space Invaders have been around for 30 years now and are still going strong. New adaptions are keeping the series fresh yet recognisable, and it seems the latest instalment could be making an appearance on home consoles and/or handheld systems. A recent

  • News This is the Greatest Wii Controller You'll See Today

    Dragon Quest kicks it up a notch

    Versatile though it is, the Wii Remote sometimes just doesn't – excuse the pun – cut it when it comes to game input. Monster Hunter Tri was built around the Classic Controller Pro and Wii Sports Resort obviously revolved around MotionPlus, but neither of those add-ons were anywhere near as outlandish as this...

  • News Nintendo to Publish Dragon Quest IX in North America

    Set to hit stores this summer!

    Nintendo and Square-Enix have just announced that Nintendo will be publishing the much-anticipated Dragon Quest IX in North America. The game is set for a summer 2010 release and is looking to be one of the biggest DS releases of the year, especially for eager RPG fans who've been waiting to get their hands on the...

  • News Square Enix to Publish LostWinds: Winter of the Melodias in Japan

    Impressive British downloadable title keeps the attention of the big guns of Japanese RPGs.

    The LostWinds WiiWare games from Frontier have gotten loads of praise around the gaming industry and are two of the strongest selling titles on WiiWare. Noteworthy for containing boatloads of character, great design and compelling play mechanics which take...

  • News Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days Euro Release Date Announced

    It's coming on the 9th October

    British fans of Japanese RPGs that feature Disney characters rejoice - Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days will be released for DS in Europe on 9 October, Square Enix has just announced. In this game you control Roxas from Kingdom Hearts 2 as he tries to discover more about his days as a member of Organization XIII. Clearly...